The Eden Center Training Team

  • Dr. Kent Smith

    Kent’s passion for vibrant families of Jesus is what initially gave rise to the Eden Center. His extensive experience in team formation and missional training has blessed hundreds.

    Kent has taught missions and spiritual formation in ACU’s Graduate School of Theology since 1991. He directed ACU’s graduate internship in missional leadership—the Missionary Residency for North America—beginning in 2004. He has trained domestic and international mission teams for over 30 years and co-founded the non-profit LK10, focused on connecting and equipping leaders of missional community around the world.

  • Dr. Ian Shelburne

    Ian has a passion for connecting diverse people and ideas into an integrated whole, always seeking to understand how all of life reflects God’s creativity and goodness.

    Ian grew up in Africa and later spent fifteen years there training church leaders in spiritual formation and ministry. He is also a co-founder of LivingStone International University in Uganda. His experience in the United States includes pastoral ministry and teaching in high-school and university settings. In addition to his extensive theological training, Ian has a PhD in agricultural education and communication and is a permaculture design specialist.

  • Dr. Laura Callarman

    Laura is passionate about helping people connect their lives and work with God’s mission, equipping them to healthily and creatively contextualize God’s good news in their own lives and locations.

    Laura recently completed her Doctor of Ministry degree, focusing on leadership for missional renewal in the Abilene context. She currently directs the Eden Fellows program, and she regularly teaches for the Department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry at ACU.

The Eden Center training team is supported by the presence and expertise of the broader Eden Community.

Read more about every community member and the amazing things they contribute to the Eden Center!