Our vision:

vibrant families of Jesus!

The Eden Community envisions a vibrant family of Jesus—a joyful, interdependent, intergenerational community of God's love and purpose—in close reach of everyone worldwide.

Our Mission:

To be & to equip.

The Eden Community’s mission is to be a vibrant family of Jesus ourselves and to equip others to cultivate regenerative ecosystems of God’s love in their own lives.

Our Approach:

training for a better way of life

The Eden Community is an incubator community. We help people reimagine a way of life invested in what really matters: giving attention to God and following God’s invitation into a life of regenerative culture. We nurture people and communities that create a movement of healthy community in Abilene and far beyond!


pursuing a life of
regenerative culture
as a vibrant family of Jesus


sharing God’s good work among us to spark imagination for what’s possible


nurturing leaders and communities so they may thrive as participants in
God’s life and mission


empowering others to creatively contextualize regenerative culture in their own lives and locations